Toothpaste in powder and in tablet, the future of 100% natural dental hygiene?

Toothpastes in powder and lozenges are arriving in force in your bathrooms. Much more economical and ecological than traditional pastes, they can be adapted to your needs: whitening, purifying, sanitizing... Discover how to take care of your dental hygiene with 100% natural toothpaste powders and tablets. 

Pourquoi utiliser un dentifrice en poudre ou en pastille

As part of aneco-responsible approach, using powdered and/or lozenge toothpaste has many advantages such as :

  • Prioritize quality over quantity: in powdered toothpastes, the list of ingredients is minimalist and 100% natural. 

  • Economical and ecological.

  • Non-toxic: no preservatives, no added fluorine, no coloring ...

  • Customizable: depending on your needs, you can add essential oils with antibacterial or antifungal properties, whitening agents such as baking soda or powdered charcoal...

L'argile blanche, l'ingrédient de base des dentifrices en poudre

White clay is anti-infectious and extremely rich in minerals and trace elements protecting the quality of your tooth enamel. Slightly abrasive, itgently cleans your teeth and purifies breath.

White clay of the kaolin type is the most common white clay. It is ideal internally or as a mouthwash for all gastric and gum problems.

Zoom sur le Bicarbonate de Sodium, un détartrant naturel 

Baking soda also known as sodium bicarbonate is a must in every home. Its price is very affordable and its usefulness can be found in the kitchen, as a stain remover and whitener of clothes but also as a descaler and it is this last property that interests us today.

Towhiten teeth, put some baking soda in your homemade toothpaste powder preparation. You can use this powder as toothpaste regularly but also occasionally as a poultice with a few drops of lemon juice on your teeth after brushing. Stay for a few minutes and then rinse. If you swallow a bit of bicarbonate, don't panic, it is edible and is an excellent remedy for mouth ulcers and heartburn among other things. However, be careful not to use baking soda too often as it can weaken enamel.  

Le Charbon Actif en poudre, un blanchissant naturel

Activated charcoal is obtained by carbonizing poplar wood or coconut fiber. When brushing, apply a little charcoal to your toothbrush and then finish brushing. Do this every day until you get the desired result then maintain 3 times a week. 

Le Siwak, la brosse à dent naturelle nomade

Coming from an oriental tree the Salvadora Persica, the Siwak or Souak is a small branch both soft and fibrous allowing to clean the teeth when we do not have a space to wash them (lunch at work for example). In addition to its mechanical action of cleaning, polishing, this stem stimulates salivary secretion thus allowing detarting. In addition, the Siwak strengthens and tones the gums and purifies the breath.

Reduced to a powder, siwak is one of the key ingredients in DIY toothpaste powders.

Autres poudres pour un dentifrice maison 

  • Iris root powder is particularly suitable for smokers because it effectively whitens teeth

  • Nettle powder which is rich in minerals and trace elements, especially silicon. 

  • Amla powder has this ability to soothe fragile gums that tend to bleed. 

  • Licorice powder for fresh breath..

Recette express pour un dentifrice en poudre maison

Now, here's a quick and easy recipe to create your homemade toothpaste powder..

For this, you need:

  • A glass jar with a lid,

  • 3 wooden tablespoons (large) ofwhite clay,

  • 2 tablespoons of a mixture of powder that you select (charcoal, siwak, iris root, bicarbonate of soda, nettle....),

  • 3 drops ofPeppermint EO for a fresh effect OR lemon to whiten OR tea-tree OR clove to sanitize. (no essential oil for pregnant or nursing women and children).

This toothpaste does not foam but has the advantage of wellcleaning teeth, protecting them and whitening them!

Alexia Bernard 21 September, 2021
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