Female cycle: how to naturally restore an anarchic cycle

Women are supposed to have a 28-day cycle... But while some women have their cycles set like clockwork, others wait every month without really knowing when their period will come... If you're one of those women who have an irregular cycle of 32, 47, 35 or even 75 days, and you'd like to find out how to restore your hormonal clock naturally, this article is for you!

A quick reminder of the menstrual cycle

In the first part of the cycle, the ovaries are activated by stimulation from the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. They secrete estrogen until a peak is reached, marked by ovulation (day 14). Of all the eggs beginning to mature in the ovaries, only one will be expelled for fertilization. The egg shell remaining in the ovary will secrete progesterone. Finally, hormone levels fall sharply and menstruation begins. 

Throughout the cycle, hormones bring about subtle but important bodily changes. At the beginning, the mucous membrane of the uterus is restored, as is the breast, and the temperature is low. Then, during ovulation, the vaginal mucosa swells, the cervix opens and the fallopian tube captures the egg. Then, the temperature immediately rises and remains on a high plateau. The mucous membranes continue to thicken, the cervix closes, the breasts become more irrigated and mammary glands are created. Finally, during menstruation, the temperature drops and the mammary glands dry out. 

A game of hormones

To regulate a cycle, you need to regulate hormonal secretions, as these are the ones that call the shots. It is important to check that there are no disturbances in the pituitary gland, in the thyroid and ovaries. You should also check the state of the liver, as it is responsible for purifying the blood and therefore the excess hormones in the bloodstream and in the fat cells...

Hormones are messengers that help transmit information and activate organic processes. The main hormones governing female hormonal balance are :

  • estrogen

  • progesterone

  • the testosterone

  • DHEA

  • prolactin

  • pheromones

  • l'ocytocine

Regulating the estrogen-progesterone balance

The balance between these two hormones is fundamental to the cycle menstruel. If one or the other is in excess or deficit, the whole balance suffers. This balance is not only physiological, but also psychological, as each phase of the cycle has an impact on a woman's emotional sphere. 

Phytoestrogens at the start of the cycle

They help maintain hormonal balance by having a stimulating or inhibiting effect, depending on the levels in the body.

Where can I find them?

  • Lignans: flax, pumpkin seeds, berries, whole grains

  • isoflavones: fermented soybeans (miso, tempeh, tamari) and fabaceae

  • coumestanes: lima and pinto beans, chickpeas, fenugrecmung bean sprouts, alfalfa

Gemmotherapy to harmonize the cycle

At the beginning of the cycle, the macerate of young raspberry shoots will be recommended, followed by apple bud macerate. Each macerate should be taken at a rate of 15 drops a day for 14 days. Do not take during menstruation. 

Plants for the female cycle

  1. First phase: gingko, rosemary, chamomile, nettle

  2. Ovulation: milk thistle, ginger, red clover, shatavari

  3. Second phase: chaste tree, yarrow, dandelion, lemon balm, angelica

Eliminating endocrine disruptors

  • plastic boxes 

  • plastic water bottles

  • plastic cookware

  • plastic toys and baby bottles

  • non-organic cosmetics

  • non-organic home cleaning products

  • non-organic fruit and vegetables

  • non-organic viands

  • tap water

  • food additives

  • new furniture

The moon as a landmark

It's also possible to adjust to the phases of the moon. Luminosity influences our circadian cycle and the secretion or non-secretion of certain hormones. 

The idea is to fall asleep in complete darkness from menstruation to day 12, then from day 16 to the end of the cycle. In the middle of the cycle, open the shutters and let the street or moonlight into your bedroom. Otherwise, plug in a small nightlight. Ovulation will take place during the lighted nights. Do this over several months. 

It's also possible to do this by following the moon's cycle, knowing that ovulation occurs at the time of the full moon. 

In conclusion: a healthier lifestyle

  • Sleep: getting enough quality sleep is essential for good health

  • Hydration: drink at least 1.5l of water a day to keep cells hydrated and activate toxin elimination. 

  • Diet: eat organic produce, fresh fruit and vegetables at every meal, limit red meat, focus on "good" omega 3 and 6 fats (first cold-pressed virgin olive or colza oil, oilseeds). 

  • Physical activity: this can be timed according to the phase of the cycle. However, it should be moderate and regular.

  • Managing stress: each person has their own way of dealing with emotions: walking, meditation, visualization, sophrology, reading, writing, contemplation, artistic practice, etc...

Alexia Bernard 11 May, 2020
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