Natural tips to find your voice

Voice disorders, from simple hoarseness to aphonia, are a sign of inflammation of the vocal cord membranes. Singers, speakers, lecturers, teachers know how fragile this organ-instrument can be if not taken care of. Here are some natural tips and tricks to keep your voice and why not, keep singing!

If you have repeated voice problems, it may be advisable to go to a specialist, an ENT or speech therapist to teach you how to control your voice, or even reeducate it.

Zoom sur l'Erysimum pour la perte de voix

Erysimum (Erysimum officinale) otherwise known as hedge mustard or singing herb is well known to singers who drink it as an infusion or use it as a gargle to rretrieve their lost voice.

All its interest lies in its essential oil rich in sulfur compounds coupled with expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, thanks to its mucilage, Erysimum calms inflammation of the mucous membranes and facilitates the cleaning and elimination of mucus from the laryngeal passages.

By oral route, it is not recommended for pregnant women and children. Moreover, it should not be taken for too long because this plant can modify the cardiac rhythm.

Recette pour retrouver sa voix

Recipe taken from the book "Mes 1000 ordonnances phytothérapie" in which Caroline Gayet, herbalist and dietician, suggests a decoction to relieve voice disorders.


  • 40g Erysimum.

  • 30g bramble leaf.

  • 30g licorice root.


4 tablespoons of the herbal mixture per 1 liter of water per day.

  1. Boil the water with the 4 tablespoons of herbs for 15 to 20 minutes.

  2. Filter

  3. Drink 4 bowls a day.

Perform the cure for the duration of the symptoms.

Les huiles essentielles pour sauver sa voix

Le pouvoir des inhalations en cas de laryngites

In case of viral laryngitis, inhalations with essential oils can be life-saving. The essential oil of ravintsara, cajeput or niaouli are suitable for the whole family from 7 years.

To do this, pour 1 or 2 drops of aforementioned essential oil into a bowl of hot water and then lean over the container with a towel spread over your head to keep the heat and steam close.

Laryngitis tends to develop in dry environments. Breathing warm, moist air plus the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral powers of these EOs will calm the laryngeal inflammation.

L'huile essentielle de lemongrass en interne

Lemongrass essential oil is a mucosal anti-inflammatory. To get your voice back, place 2 drops in a teaspoon of honey and swallow this preparation 3 times a day. This will help soothe throat problems.

Un bain chaud aux plantes pour hydrater les cordes vocales

The hot bath in which you macerate herbs will raise your internal body temperature to fight the virus and the warm ambient moisture will hydrate the vocal cords.

Boil water in a large pot, turn off the heat and add a handful of thyme leaves, rosemary leaves, and coarse salt. If you have a dispersant, you can add 4 drops of ravintsara EO. Let it infuse.

Beware, EOs are not miscible. If you don't take the time to dilute your EO, you risk burning your skin and mucous membranes.

Then strain the mixture and pour the entire container into your bath.

Décoction de myrtilles pour soulager la gorge

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants. They are generally recommended to protect eyesight, prevent eye disease and improve night vision.

Here, their interest lies in their ability to soothe inflamed throats.

Recipe for blueberry decoction according to Plantes et Santé #218 December 2020.


50g dried blueberries to 50cl water.


Heat the water along with the blueberries and let it simmer until it has reduced by one-third. Stop cooking and let the mixture infuse for another ten minutes. Filter the blueberries and collect the solution in a bottle. Perform gargles three to four times a day with this solution.

Alexia Bernard 14 December, 2020
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