How to manage stress on a daily basis

Today, naturopath Vanessa Colant offers health tips for managing stress and anxiety. Using aromatherapy, homeopathy or a healthy lifestyle, you can manage your emotions and daily stress. ↓

Stress! Who hasn't heard of that scary, dark, negative word? Nowadays, almost everyone suffers from it, and knows the more or less long-term consequences: illness. Indeed, the more stress we accumulate, the more we drift towards a state of malaise that can lead to serious pathology, sometimes tending towards cancer in extreme cases.

Warning signs of stress

Don't wait until you're past the exhaustion phase to react: stress is insidious, and it seeps into our veins like a poison whose antidote takes a long time to find. First, learn to recognize the initial warning signs, such as :

  • Incomprehensible exhaustion
  • A lack of energy
  • Constant, recurring fatigue
  • A lack of ease in finding peace and relaxation
  • The appearance of heart problems such as palpitations
  • Digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation or stomach disorders
  • loss of desire, investment and interest in life, leisure activities and the social world
  • Sleep disorders: insomnia or night-time awakenings

Just one of these symptoms, repeatedly present in your life, can be the real sign of a problem that needs to be treated. Stress is not insignificant, and taking care of your health also means taking care of this condition, which is growing more and more without you even realizing it.

Now is the time to take charge before it's too late.

Stress-related pathologies

The link between stress and certain bodily disorders can seem so impossible that it can come as a surprise. Here are a few pathologies linked to a state of stress or anxiety:

  • Chronic or chronic fatigue
  • Migraines
  • Spasmophilia attacks
  • Profuse sweating
  • Libido disorders
  • Skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Hypo- or hypertension
  • Tremors

Emotionally too, we can be affected by stress:

  • Anger
  • Panic attacks
  • Memory disorders
  • Phobias and fears
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders.

Stress leads to eating disorders

Have you ever noticed that your relationship with food is different when you're under intense stress?

Some people plunge into compulsive eating because, very often, they fill a void by ingesting an impressive quantity of food. These uncontrollable cravings are made up of so-called "pleasure foods" that very often drive us to extremes to the point of losing our minds. By swallowing foods that are either very sweet or very fatty, the body produces endorphins that bring a sense of well-being, fulfillment and stress relief.

These conscious attacks of eating disorders must be taken seriously, as they can quickly and uncontrollably turn into bulimia. Compared to a transient stress-induced urge to eat, bulimia is far more dangerous, as it is defined as a physical need to eat again and again, to the point of making oneself sick, vomiting and falling into a vicious circle.

Certain behaviours can lead to not eating, as stress compresses the throat or stomach, preventing us from eating. This stress can actually translate into an inability to swallow anything. In this case, special care must be taken to avoid falling into the trap of anorexia. Indeed, as stress becomes chronic and attacks increase, so do the risks.

These eating disorders, as well as stress and anxiety, can be treated with gentle methods. Let's take a look at a few everyday tips to help you lighten up and feel better.

Give yourself a break!

Whatever your social situation, age or professional level, taking breaks is an absolute necessity. No-one is capable of working or doing anything for a long period of time, definite or otherwise. Even a mother who takes care of her children needs to be able to take time for herself at some point during the day.

[bctt tweet="Even a mother who takes care of her children must be able to take time for herself... " username="santenutrition"]

Stopping to breathe, walk, think and see something else is a priority in everyone's life. The world won't stop because you stop for 10 minutes!

Realizing that the Universe will always be there, no matter how relaxed you are, is a priority in this fast-paced world. This way of thinking will take you much further in your daily health and well-being.

It doesn't matter whether these moments are personal, to get back in touch with your inner source, or social, to connect with colleagues, friends and family. The most important thing to remember is that these moments are beneficial and positive for you.

Be aware of your priorities

In the meanders of our lives, we can lose our focus and get tangled up in our multiple daily tasks, forgetting the real meaning of the functions we've set up.

We can quickly become overwhelmed by the demands of others: your boss, your children, your family, your colleagues and friends. Not knowing how to say no, you accept everything and very quickly, your agenda or to-do list increases considerably. Anxiety and stress quickly take their place in your daily routine, and you find yourself at a loss for where to turn, multiplying your activities.

Learn to distinguish between your tasks by classifying them according to their urgency and importance. The Eisenhower matrix is an analysis tool designed by Dwight David Eisenhower and allows everyone to organize their lives. Of course, this method of organization isn't just for professionals. Many mothers use it on a daily basis, and find it a great relief to their lives.

Last but not least, learning to say no will enable you to live more in harmony with your deepest values, as well as with your life. For fear of hurting people's feelings, of being reprimanded or of disappointing them, we've always shied away from this solution that seems so wrong. And yet, it's by staying in tune with our deepest values that we can move serenely forward into a stress-free, healthy life.

Homeopathic advice for everyday problems

Antimomum Crudum 9CH, whose main molecule is black antimony sulphide, is recommended if stress is increasing your appetite and you're really eating more than usual. The risk of indigestion is high, so take 2 granules three times a day until your sense of well-being returns.

Anacardium orientalis 9CH, whose basic substance is oriental cashew, is the ideal remedy for nervous overwork. But it's also suitable if you suffer from irritability, an empty stomach and all your symptoms are improved by eating. For you, snacking is a necessity and a real, absolute need. In this case, take 2 granules three times a day.

Ignata 9CH - St. Ignatius' bean - is ideal for the aftermath of emotional upset or grief. What's more, it's ideal if you feel a lump in your throat, brooding over your grief, or have an irrepressible urge to snack. Ignata is the ultimate nerve calmer. Dr. Borianne used to say

"Ignata is the remedy for women's disturbing emotions, just as Gelsemium is for men's".

Finally, Gelsemium - Virginia Jasmine - is best used in the face of bad news and anticipatory anxiety. In homeopathy, it's considered the drug that gives confidence, the remedy for stage fright and emotionalism. It helps combat nervous excitement, soothes moral shocks (bereavement, grief), calms students during exam periods and soothes tired intellectuals.

There are many natural remedies, homeopathic or otherwise, to treat the emotional sphere. By consulting a therapist or natural health practitioner, he or she can guide you towards the best treatment for your situation.

Essential oils: our emotional allies

Because a scent has a positive influence on a person's emotional state, essential oils can be of great help when a negative emotion takes over. Of course, this also applies in reverse. Knowing which scents make you feel good, and which ones bring you anxiety or discomfort, is important if you want to work on your emotional state with olfactotherapy.

In times of stress, one type of essence has a very positive impact on our emotions. These include citrus essences such as sweet orange, petit grain bigarade, mandarin, bergamot and neroli.

Sweet orange - Citrus Sinensis

citrus sinensis

Sweet orange essence is appreciated by everyone for its calming, soothing scent on stressful days. If you want to relax at the end of the evening, sweet orange is the perfect choice. All you need to do is diffuse a few drops in your essential oil diffuser and you'll quickly feel relieved of the day's tensions.

Le petit grain bigarade - Citrus Aurantium ssp. Aurantium var.amara

After a stressful day, your body may give out and you may feel pain all over your body. These symptoms are very often spasmodic, and therefore linked to your emotional state. It's not uncommon to find yourself with backache, stomach ache or joint pain in the evening, for example. This is when you need to unwind, relax and take time for yourself. Petit grain bigarade essential oil is ideally suited to these situations, where balance needs to be restored.

For immediate well-being, massage the solar plexus with 2 drops of petit grain bigarade essential oil, mixed with 2 drops of vegetable oil. This adapted blend can also be used on the soles of the feet for a relaxing massage.

Given its ability to provide deep, restful sleep, you can also diffuse a few drops in the evening, in your living room or bedroom, before going to sleep. Note that a diffusion of twice twenty minutes is sufficient to appreciate the benefits of the active ingredients of the essential oils mentioned in this article.

La bergamote - Citrus Bergamia

Bergamot is a harmonizing essential oil for the nervous system. Thanks to its biochemical properties, it has an excellent sedative action. What's more, it helps you regain the positivism you may have lost if stress has invaded your life for too long.

What's more, it has a major impact on our self-confidence. Indeed, stress can have a very negative effect on the way we see ourselves. Bergamot is the perfect oil to counteract these negative effects.

By inhaling the aroma right from the bottle, you can already feel the benefits of this essence, which will give you an immediate sense of well-being.

Le néroli - Citrus Aurantium var.amara

Note that the Latin name for neroli is very similar to that of petit grain bigarade essential oil. In fact, both oils come from the same plant, yet their properties differ. Neroli is the essential oil obtained by distilling orange blossom, while petit grain is obtained by distilling the leaves of the same tree. As the yield from these flowers is very low, this oil has become an aromatherapy treasure. It costs around 100 euros per 10 millilitres.

Well-known for its ability to rebalance the nerves, Neroli is ideal for calming, relaxing and de-stressing the emotionally stressed, overactive or depressed. Stress and anxiety can be serious parasites on our health. By combating them, we help our bodies to regain balance.

When we analyze neroli's emotional impact, we understand that it has a powerful effect on stress and depression. However, its cost does not allow it to be used daily, for example as a vapour. As with its sister oil, petit grain bigarade, we recommend using a single drop for massage. Its powerful character means it shouldn't be wasted.

Essential oils are our emotional allies. Use them carefully and sparingly, and if in doubt, don't hesitate to consult an aromatherapy specialist. He or she will be able to guide you towards the treatments best suited to your emotional needs. Please note that citrus essential oils are photo-sensitizing: they may therefore damage your skin if you don't follow the contraindications.

Vanessa Colant 1 September, 2016
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