Dogs: natural tips against ticks and fleas

External parasite control is a constant concern for dog owners. Flea and tick pipettes and collars are the most commonly used technique to protect your furry friend. However, did you know that their composition presents risks for the health of the animal, humans and the environment? Discover healthy and natural tips to effectively protect your dog from fleas and ticks. 

Les puces, des parasites permanents

The flies are the permanent parasites of mammals and birds. They bite the animal to feed on its blood. The main sign of a flea infestation is your pet's untimely scratching. 

Then, it is possible to check in the flesh of the animal and find small black crusts that are actually the droppings of flies. 

Prévenir les puces naturellement 

If your dog sleeps in a kennel, you can prepare a nest with straw and repellent plants such as lavender, tansy or dried walnut leaves. 

If your dog sleeps on a carpet or in a pillow. Wash it regularly to prevent the hatching of flea eggs. 

You can prepare an anti-flea lotion based on vinegar and lavender: 100g of fresh lavender flowers for 1 liter of white vinegar or organic cider. Let macerate for 10 days before spraying on the animal's hair and furniture. 

Preventive homeopathic remedy: Ledum Palustre 200K, once a month starting in March. 

Traitement naturel contre les puces

Essential oils are effective but their effects do not last over time. Therefore, they must be combined with aloe vera gel or in spray for a progressive diffusion. 

DIY recipe:

Spray HE anti-flea for short-haired dog :

Spray the spray back into the hair (be careful with the eyes and muzzle), 2 times a week, before and after each walk in the nature. 

EO gel against fleas for long-haired dogs

  • 10 drops EO Lavandin super

  • 10 drops EO Geranium Rosat

  • 10 drops EO Lemon Eucalyptus

  • 30 g of aloe vera gel in tube

Apply this gel between the 2 shoulder blades, twice a week, before and after each walk in the wild. 

Les tiques, des acariens géants

The bugs are giant mites that use their rostrum to sting the animal's skin and remain attached. They suck blood for a few days to several weeks. The tick is itself parasitized by microbes that it transmits to its host. This is where the danger lies. 

Prévention naturelles des tiques 

The season for ticks runs from March to October and decreases in the summer with the drought. If your pet is in contact with tall grass, thickets, wet areas ... it is a target for these little beasts. 

Here is the recipe for a natural tick repellent to spray on your pet's hair before and after each walk in the wild or twice a week:

  • 15 drops of 3 EOs of your choice (Ceylon citronella / Lemon Eucalyptus / Rose Geranium / Iary / True Lavender / Lemongrass) 

  • 30 ml of Juniper or Geranium hydrosol.

  • 5 ml of Solubol 

Shampoo repellent against ticks.

  • 2 drops of Geranium EO

  • 2 drops of Lavandin Super or True Lavender EO

  • 2 drops of Sweet Myrrh EO.

  • 1 drop of St. Thomas Bay EO.

  • To be added to an organic washing base. 

Retirer une tique

All grandmotherly methods of removing a tick should be banned. They create stress in the tick that will spit its contaminated saliva into the animal. Prefer the tick pullers which are like crowbars and allow to remove the parasite safely. 

Then, once removed, apply for 2 days 1 drop of Thujanol Marjoram or Downy Hyssop or True Lavender EO. 


All this information and natural recipes are from the book of Veterinary Doctor Françoise Heitz "Natural care for the dog " Ulmer Editions.

Alexia Bernard 2 August, 2021
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