This thousand-year-old tree with incredible virtues

In the form of capsules, powder, mother tincture, infusion or decoction, or in other exploitable forms, phytotherapy is a method of care that has proven itself and that still tends to prove its effectiveness today. The most reluctant are wrong because plants heal without side effects - if we use the right plant at the right time and under the advice of a therapist - where chemical medication pushes us to consume again and again to make up for the misdeeds of chemistry, meaning the pitiful result of side effects.
Plants are there to support us and this, whatever the problem we must overcome. Physiological or emotional problem, we always find in the cupboards of our grandmothers the remedy which looks after, the perfect plant which will adapt to your needs. Let us take the problems of memory and concentration which are besides very strongly connected one with the other, they will be able to be filled thanks to a plant which will act on your organization to treat the losses of memory and the lack of attention.


The Gingko Biloba or the forty-crown tree of the Ginkgoaceae family.

Gingko Biloba

The Chinese were the first users of this plant with the traditional Chinese medicine which exists since thousands of years. Indeed, the Asians have seen in this thousand-year-old tree an incredible strength and power and therefore a very interesting remedy that can support man in his activity in various ways.

When a tree can withstand both pollution and nuclear power, humans have detected such an interesting environmental resistance that they have decided to adapt it to humans.


But what does this plant consist of?

  1. Flanoids - especially biflavones - which have an anti-oxidant role.
  2. Ginkgolides which have a role on the cerebral circulation and microcirculation.

By preventing the cells from aging too quickly, Gingko has the main capacity to protect the body and therefore the brain by improving cognitive faculties. It allows him to be in action, to be lively and reactive and to be able to continue to live in spite of the state of old age that sets in. Gingko is often used for degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's or in dementia.
Also suitable for students in exam periods who must provide extreme concentration for several days in a row and who see themselves memorizing a series of information sometimes complex.


The most powerful tree in the world at the service of our health

Of course, it protects the body against many other health problems. The gingko is a really interesting plant for the man by its multiple benefits. Gingko is often found in food supplement complexes because associated with other vitamins and minerals, it becomes optimal for good brain health. Take for example:

  • Group B vitamins
  • Co-enzyme Q10
  • Vitamin E
  • Etc.

As with any herbal medication, it is recommended to have a check-up with your therapist and to be aware of the possible contraindications and interactions with your current treatments. Brain degeneration and memory loss are not automatic, we can give our body a boost to age in a "living" way.

There is no such thing as old age, there are only old people.

Vanessa Colant 15 June, 2016
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