5 yoga positions to relieve sciatic pain

The sciatic nerves are the longest nerves in the human body. They originate at the base of the spine and extend down through the thigh and calf muscles to the feet.
The average person has about a 40% chance of experiencing sciatica pain in their lifetime, not always chronic, but recurrent.


5 yoga positions to relieve pain

In order to reduce the pain caused by the sciatic nerve, stretching can be very effective. Yoga offers many postures to gently relieve this type of pain.
Here are 5 that should help you feel better:


1. Standing posture with half spinal twist

yoga half vertical twist

For people lacking flexibility, this is the ideal posture to start with. Simply place the right foot on a chair, the back of the left hand on the outside of the knee and the right hand on the right hip. Then turn the upper body to the right, keeping the hips forward, and hold for 30 seconds, without going beyond the comfort zone. Then do the reverse.

2. Knee lift


yoga kneelingLying on your back with your legs straight, raise one knee to your chest. Hold the bent leg close to your chest with your hands, pushing it in the opposite direction and keeping your shoulders flat on the floor. Then switch legs.


3. Cat exercise

yoga 2

yoga 3

Get on all fours, hands and knees. Incurve the back by lifting the chest, pulling the shoulders back and lifting the head. Breathe and hold for 10 seconds. Then tuck your chin in towards your chest and do the big back. Hold this position for 10 seconds as well. Repeat these movements for one or two minutes.


4. Sitting torsion

yoga torsion sitting

This posture is done in a sitting position, with your legs stretched out in front of you. Swing your right leg over your left, knee bent. The left leg should ideally remain extended. Turn your upper body to the right with your right hand on the floor. The left elbow comes to rest outside the right knee. Then reverse the posture.


5. Child's posture

yoga position child

Place yourself in the same position as for the cat pose. Lower yourself to a sitting position on your heels, keeping your arms extended forward. In case you can't put your forehead on the ground, close both fists under your forehead. Hold this relaxing position for as long as you like.

Don't hesitate to take yoga classes to practice these few examples of postures in the best conditions, without false moves. In addition to being relaxing, yoga will do you the greatest physical good, while being gentle.

Thyphanie Mouton 5 August, 2016
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Definition of sciatic nerve pain