How can liver detox help with weight loss?

The liver acts as a filter or purifier to rid our body of all its toxins. The liver detox is not only essential to regenerate our body, but also to help in the removal of excess weight. There is a wealth of natural methods that can contribute to the detoxification of the liver. Is it essential to cleanse the liver? Is liver detox as effective as it is claimed? What are the foods to consume to detoxify this essential organ?

Détox foie perte de poids, pourquoi en faire une ?

Detoxification of the liver is essential to keep it functioning normally. Because of our sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet, our body stores food and transforms it into fat. As a result, toxins accumulate and impair liver function. As a result, problems with constipation, weight, changes in urination or obstruction of the bladder can occur.

La cure de désintoxication du foie permet d’aider à perdre du poids, et donc d'améliorer l'état de santé dans son ensemble. Plus en forme, il est plus facile de se lever tôt, faire du sport. Les problèmes de peau comme les acnés disappear. Liver detox is also an excellent way to lose weight .

The liver plays a role in storing minerals, vitamin A and iron. If it malfunctions, our body cannot get rid of waste products that are harmful such as bilirubin or ammonia.

Détox foie perte de poids, comment procéder  ?

Certainly, liver detox is an asset to lose weight effectively. However, it is not recommended to abuse it to avoid other health problems. Since there are all a panel of cures de liver detoxification, It is a good idea to seek medical advice before you start. This is useful to follow a method adapted to your needs and your health condition. Because liver detoxification can bring countless health benefits, if it is supervised and regular.

Détox foie perte de poids, quelle période idéale pour le faire ?

Spring is the right time to do a liver detox. It is a great way to give our body a boost and to eliminate the winter's accumulated weight. The idea is mainly to discharge the toxins stored in the body because of the winter viruses and various bacteria. It should be noted that a liver detoxification treatment can be done three times a year or at each change of season.

Détox foie perte de poids : Quelles toxines supprimer ?

Most of the toxins that can accumulate in our bodies come from our food. But they can also result from external aggressions.Detoxification prevents the liver from overloading its metabolism.

During a liver detox, it is necessary to eliminate ultra-processed foods, food additives, alcohol and tobacco, saturated fats, vegetables and fruits contaminated by pesticides. In addition to this, cosmetics, toothpaste, pollution, drugs, soaps, sweets ...

Détox foie perte de poids : Quels aliments désintoxiquent ?

To succeed in the liver detox, it is advisable to drink enough water daily while consuming organic vegetables and fruits. Some foods have a purifying and detoxifying power to help the liver regenerate. Among them, we can mention :

  • Garlic which is a detox superfood, as it includes nutrients to protect the liver and eliminate toxins.
  • Le green tea, an excellent source ofantioxidant to purify the liver.
  • L'lawyerIt is a powerful antioxidant that is beneficial not only for cardiovascular health, but also for weight loss, as it calms hunger. It plays an important role in the detoxification of the liver.
  • Grapes contain natural sugars and are rich in antioxidants. It is known for its diuretic properties. It can activate the depurative function of the liver and the production of bile.  
  • Carrots and beets because they contain flavonoid and beta-carotene to deeply cleanse the liver .
détox foie perte de poids avec le citron

Détox foie perte de poids : D'autres aliments bénéfiques à la détox ?

  • Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants, pectin and vitamin C. It helps to purge the liver while acting as a powerful detoxifier .
  • Lemon is a perfect food to promote renal activity and stimulate bile secretion. It is both a slimming ally par excellence and a powerful fat burner because of its diuretic properties. It is especially recommended to purge the body after excesses during the holidays.

  • L’aubergine est un allié minceur qui aide à optimiser la fonction rénale ainsi que celle de la vésicule biliaire. C’est un excellent tonique digestif permettant de dépurer efficacement l’organisme.

Détox foie perte de poids : Utiliser la phytothérapie pour nettoyer le foie et favoriser la perte de poids

There are many plants that can be used to naturally cleanse the liver. Among them, there is the black radish, artichoke, milk thistle, le pissenlitthe nettle, the goldenrod, the rosemary... The brand Bioligo offers a range of trace elements favorisant l'élimination des toxines et donc la détoxification de l'organisme.

Do you know of any other methods or foods that help to cleanse and detoxify the liver? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments. We look forward to hearing from you!

Similar article: The importance of a healthy liver


Marie Dupont 17 June, 2019
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