What about the pendulum?

Divinatory art, charlatanism or real support tool?

"In physics, a pendulum is an oscillating system that, when moved from its equilibrium position, returns to it by oscillating under the effect of a force, for example the weight of a mass. The word pendulum - male noun - , due to Huygens, comes from the Latin Pendere. " Wikipedia

The use of the pendulum or dowsing can, to this day, be frowned upon by some people who think that using such a working tool is oriented towards esotericism and can therefore be dangerous for humans. It is obvious that the pendulum is a tool that pushes us, in a certain sense, into the invisible and therefore, that brings us answers (or at least ideas of answers) that have no scientific verification (although ....).

Besides, some refractory people will always find counter-answers by trying to discredit the functioning of the pendulum with scientific theories that are just as doubtful.

While some people think today that the pendulum works by the divine spirit or by some invisible source (and why not?), others believe - rightly - that there is a tangible explanation to its functioning. It is therefore important to understand our body, its functioning and the role of our unconscious. Indeed, our unconscious part runs our whole organism: we breathe without thinking about it, our heart beats without our having to think about it (and fortunately), our blood circulates without our consent, etc... It is indeed the unconscious that runs everything. In fact, the vital process is much simpler.

Assuming that everything is energy and that our subconscious knows everything, we quickly realize that the pendulum will be able to capture all the energetic information around us. From then on, the link between our omniscient unconscious and the pendulum is quickly made. Indeed, the role of the pendulum is to capture all the information that surrounds us and to retranscribe it into the matter with its oscillations or swirls.

Very quickly, starting from this fact, we noticed that our physical body reacted to its unconsciousness by micro muscular movements. Indeed, it is the invisible and tiny muscular contractions that allow the pendulum to move thanks to these impacts in our hand, in our fingers.

If we study psychology, we are quickly anchored by the fact that the unconscious is a big part of our being and that therefore, this part of us takes a lot of space in our development. Why then should we still doubt the role that the pendulum can have in meeting our deepest needs.

Does everyone have the ability to use a pendulum?

Of course!

Based on the principle that we all have a part of the unconscious, we all have the possibility to anchor ourselves enough to use this tool in dowsing.

Of course, a protocol of use is to be set up and a particular structure is to be acquired to use it correctly. Often, small trainings of a few hours are enough to understand the mechanism but, on the other hand, a long term use will allow a good use with more targeted answers.

Can we know everything with pendulum?

Yes and no!

Indeed, let's stay grounded and consistent with our needs and personal development and not try to change our lives by asking for the winning lottery numbers or asking if you will quickly find love.

There is indeed a certain ethic to keep for a good use but especially to avoid sinking in a charlatanism which spoils the real practice of dowsing.

Vanessa Colant 12 July, 2018
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