7 dietary tips to lower your cholesterol

Normal cholesterol is beneficial to health, as it can, for example, be the precursor of several molecules. However, as a result of negligence, a person may have bad cholesterol in the blood. This in turn could be the source of certain cardiovascular diseases. So, if your cholesterol is too high, your choices food can fortunately lower it. Eating fatty, fried, or high-calorie foods raises your cholesterolespecially if you eat unhealthy foods.

If so, you're not the only one with high cholesterol. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 17% of adults in the U.S. have elevated cholesterol once their blood test results come back.

What does cholesterol do?

The first step is to know and understand the role played by the cholesterol in your body. You may be surprised to learn that cholesterol is essential for every cell in the body . It is important for cell membranes, metabolism, and the synthesis of hormones. Cholesterol is so important, in fact, that your liver would make cholesterol even if you didn't consume it.

Most people consume far more cholesterol than their bodies need. Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance that can build up in the blood and increase your risk of heart disease. High cholesterol is a major contributor to high rates of heart disease.

Therefore, when performing an analysis, it is important to distinguish between total cholesterol from Ldl cholesterol or bad cholesterol and hdl. During an analysis, knowledge of the ldl cholesterol level is essential to determine whether there is excess cholesterol in the body. As such, it is one of the factors of cardiovascular risk.

Many people try to take drugs to lower cholesterol levels artificially. Some cholesterol-lowering drugs, called statinesact by blocking a substance that your liver needs to make cholesterol. While some doctors find these drugs beneficial, others are concerned about the risks associated with them. statines. Like, there can be problems with cognitive impairment, an increased risk of high blood sugar levels and the development of the diabetes type 2, as well as muscle damage. Nevertheless, you can always opt for natural solutions to lower it.

For the good health of your body, nothing beats natural remedies like natural foods. Once you know how to lower cholesterol using foods, you can keep your cholesterol levels under control. You'll avoid the need for dangerous drugs, and you can help prevent cardiovascular disease.

1. Eat a bowl of oatmeal every day

Oats contain soluble fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol in your bloodstream. The Mayo Clinic recommends that you consume 5 - 10 grams of soluble fiber per day. One cup or bowl of oatmeal gives you about six grams of fiber. Add four grams of soluble fiber with bananas or other fruits.

2. Eat fruit!

7 dietary tips to lower your cholesterol level

Eat apples, grapes, strawberries and citrus fruits. These fruits contain pectin, a special type of soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol levels.

3. Eat fish twice a week

The American Heart Association recommends that you eat at least two servings of poisson per week. Oily fish contains fatty acids omega-3. These fatty acids are also known to help keep your heart healthy. The following fish contain most of the omega-3s:

  • Thon
  • halibut
  • hareng
  • trout
  • mackerel
  • salmon
  • sardines

For best results, bake or grill fish rather than frying it. Cook with little salt.

4. Eat nuts and almonds

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Almond milk

Eat a handful of nuts every day - about 50g a day will do the trick. The nuts, almonds and other types like cashews and pecans are also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which will keep your blood vessels healthy. Don't overdose either, to avoid putting on weight.

5. Put olive oil in your salads

Olive oil contains a powerful blend ofantioxidants that reduce cholesterol levels. Replace two tablespoons of butter, lard or mayonnaise with olive oil.

6. Eat sterol-enriched foods

Sterols prevent your body from absorbing cholesterol from the foods you eat. Harvard Medical School's Family Health Guide confirms that consuming 2 grams of plant sterols a day can reduce your excessively high cholesterol levels by 10 percent.

7. Avoid foods that raise cholesterol levels

One of the best ways to reduce cholesterol levels is to avoid eating foods that raise cholesterol levels. Avoid eating saturated fatty acids, which are found in the white ("marbling") you see in meat when it's cold. Start by replacing the fatty parts of la viande with extra-fat parts, opt for skimmed milk and choose vegetables and olive oil instead of butter. Avoid trans fats whenever possible.

Lower your cholesterol and cardiovascular risk with smart food choices and daily exercise.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 17 August, 2017
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