The Ginkgo, the multimillennial tree with many virtues.

The Forty Crested Tree, resplendent in golden yellow in the fall... Used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine, the ginkgo is worth a visit, if only to admire it in the course of the seasons. It has been able to develop an unfailing resistance, survived many cataclysms, infections, fungi and pollution... Discover the benefits of Ginkgo, the multi-millennial tree with fan-shaped leaves.

A little botany

The ginkgo is a tree that appeared on Earth 150 million years ago. It was traditionally planted near Buddhist temples.

The gingko, ginkgo biloba by its botanical name, is a tree native to China that can grow up to 40 m tall. It is in the ginkgoaceae family. Biloba means two lobes in the image of the particular shape of its "fan" leaves. The ginkgo is a dioecious species, meaning there are male and female trees. It resists pollution, which is why it is often found in cities and urban parks. However, it is the male plants that are planted, with the females producing eggs that soil the sidewalks as they fall.

Main chemical components of Ginkgo leaves

  • Sesquiterpenes: bilobalide.

  • Diterpene lactones: ginkgolides.

  • Flavonoids: flavonols, biflavonols, flavanol

  • Proanthocyanidols

  • Long chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and alcohols.

  • Aldehydes and Ketones.

  • Phenol acids

  • Phenols

  • Sterols

  • Polysaccharides

  • Lectins

Traditional use of ginkgo

In the Far Eastern tradition, the ginkgo is renowned for its many therapeutic uses. It was already mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine 2700 years BC! The leaves and seeds were then used for their stimulating virtues at the level of blood circulation. Nowadays, it is still recommended especially its almonds to solve cough, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders.

It was in 1932 that "flavonoids" were discovered in the yellow ofginkgo leaves by the Japanese chemist S. Furukawa. It was not until 1972 that ginkgo was used in France. Today, it is very present and cultivated in the southwest of France.

Therapeutic properties of Ginkgo


The ginkgo is recommended for difficulty with concentration, memory, and confusion of degenerative vascular origin in the elderly. Its action on neurodegeneration and neuroprotection is recognized by the European Commission and the WHO. It is also recommended by the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry to accompany Alzheimer's disease treatments. This is due to its action at the level of its:

  • antioxidant effect

  • effect on mitochondrial function.

  • anti-apoptotic effect.

  • effect on neurotransmitters.

  • effect on the metabolism of amyloid deposits and APP protein.

  • effect on fibril formation.


Il agit également comme un anti-inflammatoire naturel dans les maladies auto-immunes, les scléroses et les transplantations d'organes. Les ginkgolides évitent la formation de caillots en inhibant le processus d'agrégation plaquettaire du sang. 

Circulatory level

Flavonoids stimulate and strengthenblood circulation especially in the very small vessels, the capillaries and also protect the veins. It is therefore all recommended for people who suffer from bad venous return in the legs (varicose veins, phlebitis, heavy legs).

The European Commission and WHO also recognize the benefits of ginkgo in cases of vascular tinnitus.

Other uses of Ginkgo

Ginkgo kernel is an ingredient in many Asian meals including Thai. Grilled or boiled, in soups or steamed dishes, it is eaten during festivals and celebrations.

Precautions for use

The ginkgo is safe at recommended doses. However, acting at the level of blood flow quality, it is important to stop all ginkgo intake 3 days before surgery.

Also, it can awaken headaches due to its vasodilator effect. Adjust dose as needed.

As a precautionary measure, do not take Ginkgo if on anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-epileptic, and anticonvulsant therapy.

Not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or children.

Alexia Bernard 23 December, 2020
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