Fight insomnia, of course!

It is amazing how easily the medical profession prescribes anti-anxiety drugs. All it takes is for a patient to complain of difficulty falling asleep or a wavering mood for the heavy artillery to be deployed.

Article written by Dr. Thierry Schmitz.


Of course, it's not possible to cover the whole problem in 10 minutes. When the waiting room is full and the clock is ticking, the problem is solved according to the symptom. The patient returns home with a turnkey solution. Ah, if life were so easy. For each difficulty, a little pill. This is how a person ends up with 5 or even 10 medications to take per day, each with its own usefulness and, above all, with its own side effects, which will in turn be regulated by prescriptions. The problems of stress, sleep, anxiety are the consequence of an imbalance. Who has not experienced in his life more difficult periods, physical and mental overwork, a sleep in teeth,...Too much work, too much stimulation, family or professional troubles... Psychotropic drugs represent a colossal planetary market of tens of billions of dollars, which are mostly the happiness.... of laboratories.

Benzodiazepines: miracle solution and medical disaster

France is in 2ndplace on the podium of the anxiolytic/hypnotic cocktail, just behind Spain. More than 110 million boxes were sold there in 2015, despite a notable decline since 2012. Benzodiazepines act as tranquilizers on the central nervous system, artificially inducing a cottony "feel good" state.

GABA (Y-aminobutyric acid) is a neurotransmitter, a chemical messenger, that prevents prolonged excitation of neurons and plays a key role in mood modulation. Benzodiazepines will bind to the GABA receptor to allow a more frequent, longer opening with the result of an artificial reduction of anxiety. Brilliant idea! Allowing the central nervous system to be turned on and off like a wall switch.

But here's the thing, we are not objects and making rain and shine in our brain with a bazooka seems completely unreal. There are many side effects, which often last long after the drug is stopped or sometimes become permanent.

These drugs automatically induce dependence and any cessation must be done under strict medical supervision, because it is indeed a withdrawal. Hospitalization is sometimes necessary when the intake of this drug has been long and in large quantities. It is not uncommon to see patients with 4 or even 6 happy pills taken at the same time. They are no longer aware of the vegetative state they are in. The rebound effect of benzodiazepine reduction is very high anxiety, even anxiety attacks, insomnia, muscle pain, joint pain, excessive sweating, dry mouth, memory loss, sometimes even suicide. People who use these drugs have a 50% "chance" of developing Alzheimer's disease. The brain damage is priceless. Withdrawal is a real desert crossing.

An unhappiness is not treatable like severe depression. Insomnia, fatigue, sadness represent 50% of the prescriptions of psychotropic drugs in France which are, in these cases, totally unjustified. This is a phenomenal reservoir for the drug industry, which puts pressure on doctors to prescribe at the first sign of fatigue. Medicalizing daily life and mood problems is a business like any other.

Identify the problem and react quickly

Sleep or rather the lack of REM and deep sleep disturbs your nights as much as your days. If you are going through many periods of stress, if you feel anxious quickly and if these upheavals have an impact on your sleep, finding a balance quickly, thanks to natural treatments and without addiction is not difficult.

Let's get back to GABA, the transmitter that acts as a brake on arousal, reduces anxiety and fear. It is strongly recommended to fight against behavioral and mood disorders, insomnia, unusual agitation, ... It will promote a deep and restful sleep. It will help to find calm and serenity. It must be accompanied by vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) which is involved in a number of enzymatic reactions, including the production of y-aminobutyric acid.

The tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids, is a marvel for regaining both sleep and decreasing symptoms of addiction and food addictions. It is the raw material for the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin, hormones of well-being.

Valerian root is perfect for insomniacs. Its relaxing and sedative virtues have been used since before Hippocrates. It can also be used to reduce pain and irritability related to premenstrual syndrome. Do not trust its unpleasant smell if you take it in decoction. It allows you to reach deep sleep, which is essential for memorization, the immune system and the production of growth hormone, essential for cell renewal.

The perforated St. John's wort, another example of proven effectiveness in actively fighting depression and dark thoughts. It has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce psychological disorders. In Germany, St. John's wort is even considered an antidepressant!

Not to mention passiflora which is used in herbal medicine for its anxiolytic properties. It relieves anxiety, nervousness, muscle spasms, sleep disorders by its sedative effect, sometimes superior to some benzodiazepines.

Break the vicious circle before you throw yourself in despair into a heavy medication that will destroy you slowly, think of healthy and natural alternatives, without any side effects, that will help you, like a crutch, to overcome the difficulties that everyone encounters at one time or another in his life.

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Rent Medic 20 October, 2017
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As we age, certain deficiencies appear